
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Human Settlements has built a Drinking Water Development System (SPAM) facility for the District Capital (IKK) of Palukaan which is located in Koto Tangah District, Padang City, West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra).

The SPAM facility, which was built in 2019, has served 10,000 housing connections (SR) and added 245 SR for ZAM (Drain Water Zone). This achievement is greater than the planned target of 8,000 SR units.

Head of the West Sumatra Settlement Infrastructure Center, Kusworo Darpito, said SPAM IKK Palukaan, which was built by the West Sumatra Settlement Infrastructure Center of the Directorate General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of PUPR, is the development of existing systems to utilize a large enough water source capacity in the Lubuk Mindown area, Koto Tangah District.

"The large water source capacity can still be utilized by increasing the construction of SPAM again. So that drinking water services in Koto Tangah, North Padang, and Nanggalo sub-districts can be achieved 100 percent to meet the needs of the community in three sub-districts, namely Koto Tangah District, Kuranji District, and Nanggalo District," said Kusworo in a written statement, quoted on Monday, February 13.

Kusworo said, before the Palukaan SPAM was built, the water supply for three sub-districts with 30 thousand customers was flowed from the Taban IKK SPAM. However, services to the community are far from satisfactory.

The latest and sophisticated facilities were built at the Palukaan IKK SPAM, such as water treatment, which is environmentally friendly, because it uses the gravity system from the intake to the IPA which is located upstream.

The Water Processing Installation (IPA) from SPAM IKK Palukaan has also been designed indoor, so it is safe from exposure to the sun which can accelerate the growth of alga or moss which affects water taste and maintain water temperature as well.

In addition, there is also IPA technology equipped with SCADA, so that it can be controlled and monitored effectively and efficiently from the number of operators. The use of streaming current monitors supports process monitoring and optimization of the use of coagulant chemicals.

Then, the reservoir already uses glass steel and food grade materials, so it is very good for water technology ready to drink. No less important, IPA is in a tsunami safe area and has been designed earthquake-friendly as well as for disaster mitigation.

For information, SPAM IKK Palukahan Gadang City of Padang has a capacity of 100 liters/second sourced from the Palukahan River.

This SPAM serves access to drinking water in the North Padang area.

There is an intake and transmission pipeline built by the Directorate General of Water Resources of the Ministry of PUPR in 2016-2017, as well as for the main distribution pipeline production unit and network built by the Directorate General of Human Settlements in 2019 with a budget of IDR 26.6 billion.

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