
JAKARTA - PT Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia is targeted to launch 200 structured war series. This target is until 2025.

Maybank Sekuritas President Director Wilianto Ie said his party launched eight structured war series which included underlying shares of eight companies in IDX30.

"This issuance is at the right momentum because the trading volume on the IDX is still high after producing solid performance in 2022," said Wilianto Ie quoting Antara, Monday, February 13.

Meanwhile, Regional Head Equity & Commodity Derivatives Maybank Investment Banking Group Azzahir Azhar said structured warans have become attractive trading instruments in Southeast Asia, especially for retail investors.

He explained that there are three benefits of structured wargan for Indonesian capital market players, first, is leverage or leverage, which allows investors to get exposure from underlying assets (underlying assets) of only a small fraction of the price.

Theoretically, he explained that if the price of the underlying stock increases, the price of the structured waran will also increase, so the leverager's effect will make the potential for a structured waran profit percentage larger than the percentage of the underlying share gain, and vice versa.

The second is lower investment capital, he explained that for similar exposure to underlying shares, the price of waran is cheaper than buying directly his underlying shares.

He gave an example of BBRI's share price of Rp4,690 as of Friday, February 10, while the structured wargan price was only Rp444.

The third is a share replacement strategy. He said it could be used effectively to benefit from structured warrants.

He gave an example, if investors want to sell certain stocks and want to buy shares in other sectors, then investors can sell the shares and buy other structured warrants at lower prices.

Di sisi lain, dia mengingatkan waran terstruktur juga memiliki risiko yang tinggi karena memiliki masa berlaku yang terbatas dan dapat berakhir tanpa nilai apapun.

Thus, his party urges potential investors to learn all information related to structured waran products including investment benefits and risks.

"We are committed to educating, increasing investor awareness and literacy through various media including websites, social media and seminars," said Azzahir.

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