
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara admitted that he continues to build communication with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) regarding the activities of the government's stun company in the future.

Even so, Ignasius Jonan has consulted with the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the possibility of strategic steps that the government can take in the near future. He revealed this when he was a keynote speaker on the official agenda of the PLN Leaders Talk Series today in Jakarta.

"Earlier, I was whispering with Mr. Jonan that a company as big as PLN must be able to do pluralism," he said on Monday, February 13.

Suahasil explained that the pluralism referred to is the development of integrity within PLN so that it is always relevant to the development and needs of the times.

"We check into ourselves how to maintain this pluralism. I want ladies and gentlemen here to check what development can be done to the smallest unit at PLN," he said.

Suahasil added that the company's development efforts are very important to be able to avoid the shackles of the comfort zone that has been present so far. This is because PLN is the only business entity that provides the most massive electricity in Indonesia.

In fact, PLN is considered to have no rivals in business because it monopolizes almost all existing market share.

"But how to become a monopoly that not only maximizes its own profits. This is a big homework. I want the leaders to be able to bring goodness because it brings the name of the state, not just a monopoly mindset," said Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil.

To note, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara is a seller or single producer of unique products and without substitute goods that are worth the size.

Based on the 2021-2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL), it is recorded that domestic electricity production in 2022 can reach 6.448 Giga Watt Hour (GWh).

Meanwhile, the number of PLN consumers is expected to continue to increase to 2.47 million customers in 2030 with a peak electricity load of 1.495 Mega Watt (MW).

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