
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir admits that farmers are still having difficulty getting subsidized fertilizers. Starting from volatile prices to distribution problems.

With the launch of the Digital Farmer Card for Subsidized Fertilizers and People's Business Credit (KUR) by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Friday, February 10 yesterday, Erick is optimistic that this obstacle will slowly be overcome.

This program itself is an initiative of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and PT Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (PIHC).

Digital Farmers and KUR cards are predicted to improve the welfare of farmers. Through this program, the government distributes subsidized fertilizers from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

"Digital Farmer Cards are a breakthrough to ensure that there are no more farmers who have difficulty getting subsidized fertilizers because the mechanism is easier and clearer. At the same time as a tool to monitor the distribution of subsidized fertilizers to farmers so that they are right on target," said Erick Thohir, quoted on Saturday, February 11.

The previous trial of the Digital Farmer Card program was carried out by BSI in Aceh Besar District, in collaboration with the Aceh Province Agriculture and Plantation Service, where the Land of Serambi Mecca became a pilot project for the government's strategic program.

Aceh is the first province to use a Digital Farmer Card. According to Erick, this step aims to make it easier for farmers to redeem subsidized fertilizers without the need for physical cards and maintain transaction accountability that uses applications with e-wallet quote fertilizer allocation.

Meanwhile, Aceh Besar became the first city/district to receive a Digital Farmer Card with 38,767 recipients. Through this program, farmers are also expected to increase their harvest.

"This Farmer Card is an effort to equalize a just economy, especially to continue to maintain the seriousness of improving the people's economy," said the number one person at the Ministry of SOEs.

Furthermore, Erick also ensured that BSI and PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda would continue to work together to improve quality food products through the allocation of subsidized fertilizers.

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