
BEKASI - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said, as many as 500 tons of Oil and Small Oil that had been stockpiled in the Marunda area, North Jakarta, had been distributed to a number of areas on the island of Java.

"(We have sent the oil) to Java first. We have finished it for three days," Zulkifli told reporters in Bekasi, West Java, Friday, February 10.

The Trade Minister, who is often called Zulhas, said that there are three areas on the island of Java that are the main focus in the distribution of Oil, namely Jakarta, West Java, Central Java.

"(The distribution of oil palm) has gone to Jakarta, West Java, Central Java. Meanwhile, East Java is still lacking," he said.

Previously, Zulhas conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of the Oil and Settlement warehouse of PT Bina Karya Prima, Marunda, North Jakarta, on Tuesday, February 7.

During the visit, he found 555,000 liters or approximately 500 tons of oil palm oil that had been packaged and ready to be circulated. From these findings, Zulkifli requested that Minya Kita be immediately distributed to meet market needs.

"So, for three days I think we can finish this (distribution), in Java first, because Java has the most (oil consumption), not in the modern market first. If it's still more, yes, (distributed) to Sumatra. If you can't, yes, Java first," he said.

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