
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that public officials must or pay attention to challenges in every decision-making and policy-making.

According to him, analysis and planning capabilities are absolute for ministries/agencies (K/L) with the global dynamics that continue to occur today.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance when giving directions at the National Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the Work Plan and Budget of the Ministry of Transportation in Jakarta.

"Earlier I was very happy, the Minister of Transportation said that try now all satkers and power of budget users have a DNA sense, which is like a powerful financial manager. What does that mean? It means that it's not just an efficiency problem, even to thoughts," he said in a written statement on Friday, February 10.

The state treasurer explained that the thoughts included the optimal use of assets at the Ministry of Transportation.

"The assets come from the APBN, so the assets should also be more empowered and have added value," he said.

The Minister of Finance also specifically emphasized the importance of the ability to analyze and plan by policymakers in formulating work priorities which in turn relate to the use of the state budget.

He also warned that there should be no misplanning so that the use of the existing budget in the K/L becomes inefficient.

"Congratulations on planning for 2024, don't forget that 2023 will also be managed optimally, and earlier the spirit for more creative reform updates was sharper. I really support what the Minister of Transportation said," he said.

"Congratulations on working, congratulations on protecting Indonesia, keep the momentum of economic recovery in a situation where the world and also Indonesia are facing dynamics that are quite high from various aspects," closed the Minister of Finance Mulyani.

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