
JAKARTA - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, plans to summon 400 former employees affected by layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is in line with the addition of aircraft.

Garuda Indonesia's Director of Services and Commerce, Ade R Susardi, said that one position placed was an aircraft technician.

Ade said the addition of the fleet and employees was also the readiness of the airline ahead of the implementation of the Hajj in 2023.

Therefore, continued Ade, recruitment or recall of former employees will be carried out immediately.

Ade admitted that he had communicated with a number of former Garuda Indonesia employees.

"So if we operate additional aircraft, we need additional crew recruitment, we calculate there are around 400 people," said Ade in a working meeting with the Working Committee for the Hajj Implementation Fee (Panja BPIH) of the DPR, Thursday, February 9.

Ade assessed that the summons of this former employee was much more effective than the recruitment of new employees.

The reason is, Garuda needs human resources (HR) who already have experience in the field of aircraft technicians.

That way, said Ade, later adjustments will only be made when a new type of aircraft is brought in.

"So the basics should already exist, we just need to adjust them to the technicalities of the aircraft used," he said.

Garuda Pasang Target Operasi 120 Pesawat

Previously it was reported, President Director of Garuda Irfan Setiaputra was optimistic that he could operate 120 aircraft according to the majority shareholder instructor. Therefore, said Irfan, his party continues to monitor.

"Until now, we still have this belief that we can achieve in the range of 120 aircraft, both Garuda and Citilink. However, from time to time we continue to monitor slots rather than internationally because this requires a place to work," said Irfan, quoted Friday, October 21, 2022.

Irfan admitted, the Ministry of SOEs continuously asks about developments rather than the target of the aircraft that must be operated.

"The Ministry of SOEs continues to ask me about the development of these aircraft restorations because it turns out that this is also the concern of the President regarding the existence or number of Garuda aircraft, Citilink which can be operated," he said.

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