
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Sunarso revealed that currently 99 percent of transactions in BRI have been carried out digitally and the remaining 1 percent have been carried out through BRI's work units or offices.

"For example, BRI's Super App, BRImo, until the end of 2022, has been used by 23.85 million users, with sales volume reaching Rp2,669 trillion," Sunarso said in a BRI Performance Exposure, Wednesday, February 8.

With a large volume of transactions, Sunarso continued, BRI was able to generate commission-based revenue of IDR 1.6 trillion.

Apart from BRImo, BRI's breakthrough in the form of BRILink's Agent also had a significant impact, not only for BRI but also for BRI's partners.

As of the end of December 2022, BRI has 627,000 BRILink agents, an increase from last year's position of 540,000 Agents.

"This means that with the addition of 87 thousand agents in one year, every day there are 240 people joining the BRILink Agent," explained Sunarso.

He added that throughout 2022, the volume of Burial Agent BRILink's transactions reached Rp1,297 trillion and succeeded in donating Fee Based Income of Rp1.4 trillion.

Meanwhile, the fees received by agents can range from 2 to 3 times, or around Rp. 3 trillion to Rp. 4 trillion.

This business model, he continued, is a tangible form of economic sharing, in addition to being a form of implementation of financial literacy as well as financial inclusion, Agent BRILink also provides jobs and increases public income.

"I want to reiterate that BRI is the people's bank. BRI does business with the people and is processed by way of the people," concluded Sunarso.

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