
YOGYAKARTA – Did you know that the government requires the public to report an annual tax return (SPT)? This obligation is borne by the public who meets the applicable taxation criteria. Then who is obliged to report the annual tax return?

Who is Required to Report Annual SPT?

Before knowing who is required to report the Annual SPT, first know the meaning of the Annual SPT itself.

In general, the Annual SPT is a letter used by people who meet the criteria as a taxpayer to report tax calculations and payments

Quoted from the pajakgoid site, SPT is a letter used to report the calculation and/or payment of taxes, tax objects and/or non-tax objects, and/or assets and obligations carried out in accordance with the applicable Tax Law regulations.

The Annual SPT itself is made every year to report the previous year's taxes. For example, taxes for 2021 must be reported through the Annual Tax Return in 2022. The deadline for collecting Annual Tax Returns also varies, according to the type of tax return for individuals or tax returns for business entities.

The schedule for personal or employee Annual SPT reporting is carried out no later than March. Meanwhile, the maximum annual SPT for business entities is April.

Whereas those who are subject to the obligation to report an Annual SPT are taxpayers who already have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), both individuals and business entities.

Meanwhile, NPWP is a number given by the DGT to taxpayers as a tool to assist tax administration activities that is used as identification or identity of taxpayers when exercising their tax rights and obligations.

Meanwhile, according to Per-20/PJ/2013, individuals or business entities are required to have an NPWP if they are declared to meet subjective and objective requirements in accordance with the applicable tax rules. The subjective conditions referred to are as follows.

  1. Individuals who live and are in Indonesia for more than 183 days with a period of 12 months, and individuals who in one tax year are or intend to live in Indonesia;
  2. Business entities established or domiciled in Indonesia;
  3. Undivided inheritance.

In addition, individuals are required to have an NPWP if their accumulated income in one year exceeds non-taxable income (PTKP). The current PTKP amount is IDR 54 million. Meanwhile, business entity taxpayers must have an NPWP if the business entity is located in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, those included with objective requirements when individuals or business entities already have income.

Every person or business entity that has fulfilled the above requirements is required to register as a Taxpayer to obtain an NPWP no later than 1 month after the start of the business or work.

Because it is mandatory, late reporting of Annual SPT is subject to fines regulated in Law no. 28 of 2007. Fines are enforced as a form of tax administration order and increase taxpayer compliance. The fines for late reporting of the Annual SPT are as follows.

  • A fine of IDR 100,000 for individual taxpayers
  • A fine of IDR 1,000,000 for business entity taxpayers
  • A fine of IDR 500,000 for Periodic Notification of Value Added Tax
  • A fine of IDR 100,000 for other Periodic Notification Letters

That is information related to who is required to report the annual tax return. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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