
Head of the State Capital Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono said as many as 142 investors were interested in participating in IKN development.

After further tracing, his party found that not all investors really matched the expectations and work plans of the government.

"We received quite a number of statements of interest or letter of interest (LoI) which until last week amounted to 142. Of the total 142, only about 90 are serious parties," he said when fulfilling a working meeting invitation with Commission XI of the DPR on Monday, February 6.

Bambang explained that as many as 90 groups that were considered strategic would be encouraged to enter a more serious stage of discussion.

"We will continue to go to the next process, whether it is with a cooperation scheme between the government and business entities (PPP) or others," he said.

In detail, the data shared by Bambang revealed that 25 investors focused on the infrastructure and utility sector, 15 in the education sector, 14 in the consulting services sector, 10 in the housing sector.

Then, nine in the mixed and commercial sectors, eight investors in the technology sector, five in the health sector, four in the BUMN and private sectors, and 2 for government offices.

"Financing IKN until 2045 will use 20 percent of the state budget and the remaining 80 percent will use investment from investors," he added.

Meanwhile, the KBBU project which has now reached a further stage occurred in the housing sector with an estimated investment of IDR 41 trillion to build 184 residential towers.

The KBBU housing project will be worked on by Summarecon with a value of IDR 1.67 trillion.

Then, the Nusantara Consortium amounted to IDR 30.8 trillion, and the rest was worked on by other strategic parties of IDR 8.65 trillion.

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