
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has increased the budget allocation for pioneer transportation in 2023.

This budget increase is to optimize transportation services both on land, sea, air, and trains, which reach remote areas.

In 2023, the budget allocation for pioneer subsidies in all modes of transportation is IDR 3.51 trillion.

This number has increased when compared to 2022 of IDR 3.01 trillion.

As for the details per mode of transportation, namely land transportation Rp1.32 trillion, sea transportation Rp1.47 trillion, air transportation Rp550.1 billion, and railways Rp175.9 billion.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that this amount does not include the Public Service Obligation (PSO) subsidy or public service obligation in the railway sector of Rp. 2.54 trillion and in the marine transportation sector of Rp. 2.39 trillion.

With the passenger pioneer subsidy, continued Budi, the tariff paid by the community is more affordable, because some of the operational costs of the transportation operator have been paid by the government.

"The provision of pioneer transportation subsidies is given to reduce transportation costs, so that our brothers and sisters in disadvantaged, remote, outermost, and border areas (3TP) can get good transportation services," he told reporters, written Monday, February 6.

Meanwhile, with the pioneer subsidy of goods or cargo, the goods transported are no longer charged so that they can stabilize or reduce the disparity of the price of goods in the area.

"And also so that our brothers and sisters can get affordable prices for basic necessities," he said.

Budi said the government always strives to fulfill the aspirations of the region by looking at the priority scale and capacity of the state budget regarding the amount of subsidized budget allocation that can be given.

"We hope that more and more areas that were previously served by pioneering transportation will be upgraded to commercial, because the goal of providing subsidies is an increasing standard of living and people's purchasing power in the area," he said.

If transportation services in an area have become commercial, said Budi, then the allocation of the subsidy budget can be diverted to other areas that need it more.

"The pioneer transportation subsidy is proof that the government is present in the midst of the community's need for public transportation services," he said.

Budi said, in the land transportation sector, the allocation of pioneer subsidies and PSO was given for road transportation services on 327 routes, intermodal transportation on 37 routes, goods transportation on 6 routes, pioneer crossings on 273 routes, roro long distance ferry on 2 routes, and urban transportation in 10 cities.

In the marine transportation sector, the allocation of pioneer subsidies and PSOs is given for pioneering ship services as many as 116 routes, the operation of Sea Toll Vessels as many as 39 routes, the operation of 6 special animal transportation vessels, and the operation of 16 route vessels.

Meanwhile, in the air transportation sector, the implementation of pioneering air transportation is served by 21 Regional Coordinators (Korwil), with 220 passenger pioneer air transportation routes and 41 cargo routes.

The 21 pioneering air transportation providers are spread across a number of areas, namely Sinabang, Gunung Sitoli, Singkep, Kuala Pembuang, Tarakan, Samarinda, Sumenep, Masamba, Waingapu, Ternate, Langgur, Sorong, Manokwari, Nabire, Elelim, Wamena, Merauke, Tanah Merah, Dekai, and Oksibil.

Meanwhile, in the railway sector, the allocation of subsidies will be given to Perintis Train services in 5 regions, namely Central Java, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, and Aceh.

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