
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the progress of basic infrastructure development in the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) region had reached 14 percent, in February 2023.

Currently, the government continues to encourage the development of basic IKN infrastructure so that it can be completed before entering 2024.

This achievement is the total progress of basic infrastructure development which is currently underway, such as the construction of the presidential office, ministry offices, toll roads, logistics roads, IKN ring roads, drinking water, dams, and also the ministerial housing complex.

"So far, the overall physical progress of IKN infrastructure has been 14 percent and is running well in accordance with the three main principles, namely to ensure quality, aesthetics and environmental sustainability," Basuki said in a press release, Monday, February 6.

According to Basuki, Smart Forest City's vision must be a guide and orientation for his party in working on IKN development.

"It must be minimal, maybe cutting trees and peeling cliffs, instead we use the existing trees and cliffs to landscape good area views," he said.

The implementation is carried out by strictly limiting the felling of existing trees which is truly in accordance with the road benefit plan and building site, as well as maintaining the landscape in the field (elevasion, contour, position) under the strict supervision of construction management consultants and job supervision.

Basuki also said that until now there are still a number of basic infrastructure development projects in the IKN area, which are still in the auction process, so there are a number of projects that have not been carried out because they are waiting for the auction process to be completed.

"There are still several infrastructure development projects that are still in the auction stage, hopefully they can be carried out according to the target before 2024," he added.

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