
The State Capital Authority (OIKN) wants the development of the Nusantara Central Government Core Area (KIPP) in East Kalimantan to become a feasible and complete city by 2024.

Quoting Antara, IKN Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital Authority Mohammed Ali Berawi said this was in line with the IKN development target until 2024 as a complete city ecosystem on KIPP.

The development of the Nusantara IKN itself consists of several stages. In the first stage until 2024 is the initial development and relocation of the stage.

Then the next stage in the period 2025 - 2029 as a stage of building IKN Nusantara as a formidable core area. The stage for the period 2030 - 2034 is to build all three-city infrastructure and ecosystems to accelerate the development of East Kalimantan.

The last stage is to strengthen IKN Nusantara's reputation as World City for All'.

The Central Government Core Area (KIPP) is one of the planning areas for the City of the Archipelago with a special designation for national government affairs.

At KIPP, as an urban area that is prioritized for construction, a General Plan for Building and Environment (RUTBL) document has been compiled. In addition to providing development control guidelines for KIPP, it also acts as an area design model for other urban areas of the capital city of Nusantara.

The design of the urban area of KIPP is based on the vision of an area that is able to integrate and realize in a balanced way the vision of the capital city of the archipelago, especially in reflecting the nation's identity, ensuring the sustainability of social development, economic development, and environmental protection, as well as in realizing a smart, moderate, and international standard city that spurs social development and economic development.

On the 900 hectare land, the State Palace, Vice Presidential Palace, Coordinating Ministry offices, Bank Indonesia, ASN/TNI/Polri housing, landed residences for ministers, places of worship, complete with water utilities, flood management, electricity networks, toll roads to IKN, and inner-city roads.

IKN's KIPP target becomes a viable and complete city in 2024, with regard to the start of the government's plan to move ASN, TNI, central Polri to IKN. Therefore, when there is a transfer, IKN must already have adequate facilities to meet their needs.

The supporting infrastructure prepared by the IKN Authority to be completed next year includes international hospitals, integrated educational facilities, offices with the Coordinating Ministry, Bank Indonesia Building, national axes, ASN housing, office areas and private business activities as well as BUMN, and shopping areas, services, and offices.

Pier and data center

Other supporting infrastructure that is ready to be coordinated and collaborated by the IKN Authority together with stakeholders is related to the logistics connectivity plan to support the development of IKN Nusantara, especially the KIPP area.

The IKN Authority itself and its stakeholders have a number of alternative option construction logistics piers, including the PT ITCI Hutani Manunggal (IHM) pier which is located close to the KIPP IKN construction zone.

Then the other pier options are PT ITCI Kartika Utama pier, Balang Island Bridge pier, Lango pier, and Buluminung Port.

The IKN Authority also plans to build a logistics dock dedicated to distributing building materials and heavy equipment in order to support the development of IKN Nusantara.

In addition to logistics connectivity, the IKN Authority also collaborates with Telkom as a state-owned company in presenting a neuCentriX data center at IKN. neuCentriIX Sepaku is a data center to support and realize this digital technology. In Sepaku, this data center is a permanent building the size of a simple type 42 house. This data center is held to serve the needs of data and communication storage systems.

The existence of data centers, apart from technology and telecommunications companies, but also to assist the local economy whose main drivers are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

With digital technology, IKN will become a smart city. Digital technology will be applied to transportation systems, building maintenance, energy use efficiency, and various daily life activities.

Digitalization is the first step of the next steps in making IKN a city that can become a model, both in Indonesia and in the world.

Furthermore, the NeuCentrIX Sepaku is held to support the development of digital ecosystems in the IKN area. This data center is part of the national data center ecosystem which is spread to 7 clusters throughout Indonesia.

The development of the Digital Center in the capital city of Nusantara will be supported by cluster 6 covering Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak and Sepaku which will later encourage the implementation of the National Deployment IKN Program.

The data center in IKN will be integrated into the Telkom network and other Data Centers, as well as connected to global submarine cables in eastern and western Indonesia to accommodate various needs of customers and business people, including edge computing, platforms and other digital services.

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