
JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, Friday, February 3.

This inspection is to ensure that the distribution of Stability of Supply and Food Price (SPHP) rice or Market Operation runs smoothly according to the provisions.

On that occasion, Buwas was also accompanied by the Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi.

"We will top up the distribution of SPHP rice at the Cipinang Rice Main Market from 13,000 to 30,000 tons, for that I need to see directly and ensure that there are no irregularities," he said at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, Jakarta, Friday.

Buwas, Budi Waseso's nickname, emphasized that from the beginning of the year to today Bulog has poured 209,009 tons of market operations throughout Indonesia.

Furthermore, Buwas said that his party had also issued instructions to all levels that the SPHP program had to run smoothly until rice prices stabilized.

"We are monitoring the current situation continuously and we are also collaborating with the Food Task Force to oversee its implementation so that no one can mix and sell at prices above the provisions so that prices are immediately stable," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prestyo Adi emphasized that today Perum Bulog has carried out what President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directed during a Limited Meeting (ratas) a few days ago.

As is known, Bulog Director Budi Waseso, Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi, and Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan were summoned to the State Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday, January 31.

"We see together that the SPHP rice from Bulog has flooded the Cipinang Rice Main Market, we hereby hope that the rice price fluctuation can be damped," said Arief.

Arief said both the Food Station and all traders at the Cipinang Rice Main Market had signed an agreement to sell CBP rice from Bulog at the highest price of Rp. 8,900 and were not allowed to mix this rice with other rice.

Arief will ask the National Police's Food Task Force (Satgas) to oversee the rice operation of this market.

"Later, ask the Food Task Force to supervise, of course, later help will also be made by traders so that they can be distributed quickly but join the HET," he said.

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