
JAKARTA The increase in trading activity on social platforms, such as TikTok, is recorded to be getting higher along with the increase in the user base.

Executive Director of the Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy (ELSAM) Wahyudi Djafar revealed that this then gave rise to the phenomenon of social commerce which was considered to pose various risks.

According to him, social media already has extensive access to data on its platform users, including habits, behavior, and various other personal data.

"With the social commerce business model, social media is considered to increasingly have power and access to user data originating not only from social media services, but also related to their purchase transactions," he said in a written statement on Friday, February 3.

Wahyudi added, on that basis, the platform that oversees social commerce should also follow the rules contained in Government Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trade Through Electronic Systems and Permendag Number 50 of 2020 concerning Provisions for Business Licensing.

"This means that TikTok itself as a platform provider, he must comply with these rules, and impose these rules on his users who use their accounts to buy and sell online," he stressed.

Wahyudi explained that this platform must also implement e-commerce rules, related to data protection in the context of e-commerce in their marketplace.

TikTok should also do the same so that consumers get protection. Including those related to data protection must also be applied," he said.

On the same occasion, the Chairman of the Daily Management of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Tulus Abadi said the social commerce must be regulated by the government.

Especially, related to the use of personal data in all sectors including on social media and the like.

"Yes, we must encourage the government to regulate, collect and supervise data. Because, indeed the digital era is the biggest challenge, namely data security and misuse of personal data," he said.

Oleh karena itu Tulis menyebut jika nanti ada penyalahgunaan untuk komersial yang dirugikan adalah konsumen.

"Here it is necessary to confirm that the law mandates personal data that all must have permission from the owner," he added.

For information, this social commerce phenomenon can be considered as a new competitor for well-known e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Bukalapak, Lazada, and Tokopedia.

On the other hand, in various countries, the social commerce business model is considered to pose various risks, including data management.

To note, the United States has banned the use of the TikTok platform on federal government-owned devices for national security reasons.

The ban is inseparable from the alleged TikTok has taken excessive data from its users.

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