
JAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs has reported and provided data on indications of corruption in the use of pension funds (dappen) for state-owned companies to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Meanwhile, the investment fund for retired BUMN employees is being processed by the anti-corruption commission.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, said that his party was still waiting for the results of the examination conducted by the KPK regarding the problematic Dapen.

That way, it is not certain that there are suspects for the use or act of corruption against the BUMN dapen. However, said Arya, legal steps can provide new surprises, aka an unexpected suspect.

"We are waiting (the results of the investigation) of the KPK. It's the same when we give the Attorney General's Office the data, after that the Prosecutor's Office will process it, what we don't know is that the surprise is also the result, it's a bit surprising when we give the prosecutor's office, there's a surprise," said Arya when met at the BUMN Ministry Office, Friday, February 3.

As is known, as many as 65 percent of SOE pension funds are problematic. This data is a report from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to the Ministry of SOEs.

On this occasion, Arya said that many BUMN pension funders made investment wrong because the company was mostly filled by retirees who did not understand investment.

"Sorry, yes, there are a lot of retirees who are not experts in investing. In the past, we knew that retirement had no work (attended) in dapen," he said.

Therefore, continued Arya, in the future, the Ministry of SOEs will tighten the governance of companies involving state-owned companies.

For example, Dapen, a state-owned company A, so far he has not participated in deciding where to invest. So the only thing that determines is Dapen, in the future we will be the beneficiaries and the ones who take care of all the SOEs," he explained.

Arya melanjutkan, saat ini pihaknya sedang menyusun aturan agar Direktur Keuangan dan Direktur Human Capital yang ada di masing-masing BUMN dapat terlibatkan dalam penentuan investasi.

"Also in the provisions whether he is okay or not, it's okay with investment. This is what we are discussing, hopefully this is also still a rule, but if this becomes quite good," he said.

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