
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani gave information about her willingness to return to her position as state treasurer for the period 2024-2029 after the change of government next year.

He conveyed this when asked by one of the participants who attended his general lecture with the title "Economic Condition and Fiscal Condition of Indonesia in Political Year".

"The question is irrelevant (with the public lectures being held) so there is no need to answer it," he said on Friday, February 3, which was greeted with laughter from other participants.

VOI noted that the issue of position for Sri Mulyani was not the only time this had surfaced. At the end of January, the news of the mass media linked him to the position of Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) which will expire in May.

However, the Minister of Finance again answered reporters' questions with a diplomatic response.

"Focus on doing what is on the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) because this is the main task," he said when holding a joint press conference with the BI Governor, OJK Chair, and LPS Chair in Jakarta.

For information, Sri Mulyani was recorded as having placed her position as Minister of Finance in May 2010. At that time, she was part of the United Indonesia Cabinet led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

It didn't take long, the holder of the Ph.D. of Economics from the University of illinois America was later trusted to be the Managing Director of the World Bank.

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