
JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso, shared his experience of successfully cutting the debt of the state-owned food sector company.

He said that at the beginning of his tenure, Bulog's debt was IDR 32 trillion.

"First, when I was the President Director, as I remember, Bulog had a debt of IDR 32 trillion. I left a loss of 1.7 trillion. So if you look at it, isn't it stressful? But this is all because of the assignment," he said at the Bulog Office, Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.

This assignment, continued Buwas, was carried out as well as possible. Evidently, he has successfully cut Bulog's debt, which was originally IDR 32 trillion in 2018, and has now reduced to IDR 7 trillion.

In fact, said Buwas, thanks to the hard work of all his staff in Bulog, the state-owned company managed to record profits even though it was minimal in 2021, namely IDR 267 billion.

"I was finally able to prove that Bulog finally did not lose. Starting from 2021 I can already book profits even though it is still small enough to be in the same class as Bulog. Even the debt is already from Rp32 trillion, only Rp7 trillion per day," he said.

Buwas said, this success came from a strong initial intention to be able to bring Bulog to be even better in the future.

"This is all because of an assignment. But that's what can now prove that anyone can do it as long as they have the will. I'm a police background, I don't have the slightest knowledge about Bulog. But I have the will, and finally I can," he explained.

Regarding Bulog's profits in 2022, Buwas said it could not be conveyed because it still had to be audited. However, he estimates the profit in 2022 will increase.

"It's still being audited. Maybe by the end of this month. If there is one, we can report it. The profit is certainly above IDR 267 billion. The 2023 profit is even greater," he said.

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