
JAKARTA - Budi Waseso's term as President Director of Perum Bulog is only two months away. The man who is familiarly called Buwas admitted that he did not have any plans after finishing from the position of number one person in the state-owned food company.

"Yes, it's finished. Take a walk," he said when met at the Bulog office, Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.

When asked if Buwas would continue his career in government by becoming Minister of Agriculture, Buwas was reluctant to respond to this.

Buwas also said there was no discussion about the position of Minister of Agriculture. He also emphasized that the meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago only made a rice polemic.

Therefore, Buwas was reluctant to make assumptions. Including, regarding the position of Minister of Agriculture.

"No, I don't need to respond because there was no discussion there. There's no such thing, for example, no," he said.

Currently, said Buwas, he is focusing on completing the rest of his duties at Perum Bulog. However, Buwas admitted that if he got his job back, he was ready to carry it out.

"Right now, what is our job now we do well, next time we want to do it, there is no problem. Because I'm used to it. I'm a person who never wants to be able to reach a position," he explained.

For your information, Budi Waseso or Buwas was appointed as Director of Perum Bulog as of April 27, 2018. Buwas was appointed when Rini Soemarno served as Minister of BUMN.

At that time, Buwas was appointed to replace Djarot Kusumayakti. Buwas himself does not have a corporate background. He comes from the Indonesian National Police (Polri). Since pursuing a police career in 1984, Buwas has also succeeded in occupying the position of Head of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency.

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