
JAKARTA - Perum Bulog will market Bulog rice through modern retail by collaborating with modern retail networks in Indonesia. These include Alfamart, to Indomaret.

Bulog Director Budi Waseso said this step was part of Bulog's efforts to streamline the Food Supply and Price Stabilization program (SPHP) or known for market operations throughout Indonesia.

Alfamart, Indomaret, Indogrosir will attend. I have contacted all retail leaders because of that all private roles support market operations. It is extraordinary that I thank the retail leadership including Indogrosir," he said at a press conference, at the Bulog Headquarters, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.

Furthermore, Buwas, Budi Waseso's nickname, said that Bulog is in a position ready to pour rice into modern retailers.

The rice to be sent, said Buwas, will be adjusted to requests from modern retailers.

"As much as the retail capability accommodates, if you dare 1,000 tons (5 kg of packaging), I will give 1,000 tons," he said.

Buwas said that Bulog rice distributed to retail should not be taken advantage.

This means that the retail party will sell according to the highest retail price (HET) set by Bulog.

"This is market operation rice (OP) whose margin should not be taken. They don't take the margin, it's the fixed price according to the HET of IDR 9,450 per liter," he explained.

Actually, said Buwas, Bulog has distributed it to retailers by big or wholesale parties.

Bulog rice can also be purchased on the official website, even free shipping costs.

"For this rice in retail two days ago, it has entered the speed of production and private cooperation, the packaging production of private colleagues is available, including the of Bulog's online line, free shipping, the price is flat," he said.

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