
JAKARTA - In expanding the utilization of natural gas in Eastern Indonesia, PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina Gas Subholding signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in collaboration with PT Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA). The signing of the MOU was carried out by PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Heru Setiawan and PT KIMA Director Alexander Chandra Irawan in Jakarta, Friday 27 January. PGN and PT KIMA will explore the potential for cooperation, particularly related to the provision of natural gas along with its derivatives. Both pipeline, CNG or LNG gas can be the main energy choice to meet the energy needs of tenants in industrial areas. This collaboration has the potential to increase the volume of natural gas trading by 1 3 BBTUD for natural gas distribution to KIMA and its surroundings," explained PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Heru Setiawan in his statement, Thursday, February 2. Heru continued, the distribution of natural gas to the Makassar Industrial Estate is a form of PGN's commitment to expansion the use of natural gas, especially for industrial retail segments in new areas such as Makassar. Currently, PGN is launching market penetration efforts to areas in eastern Indonesia to serve the industrial sector. Efforts to expand are carried out by PGN in terms of infrastructure and fulfillment of pipeline and non-pipeline natural gas supply. PGN is also open to sending LNG outside Java Island. To support the fulfillment of LNG in the East Indonesia region, PGN has collaborated with PT Kayan LNG Nusantara. Cooperation with PT KIMA also embodies the synergy and collaboration of SOEs in supporting the improvement of the national economy, through an efficient and environmentally friendly energy absorption optimization in industrial areas. For information, PT KIMA is part of the Holding of PT Danareksa (Persero). According to Heru, the use of natural gas as tenant energy in the Makassar Industrial Estate supports PT KIMA in providing energy in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 142 of 2015. We hope that natural gas will be provided The Makassar Industrial Estate can be implemented immediately. PGN and PT KIMA together created an environment for environmentally friendly industrial areas. Of course, they also utilize energy sourced from within their own country," he explained. PGN as Pertamina Gas Subholding continues to be committed to supporting the creation of added value and industrial competitiveness with natural gas efficiency. With a large absorption in industrial areas, it is hoped that it can stimulate the mix of environmentally friendly energy in times energy transition, concluded Heru.

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