
JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of East Java continues to strive to increase awareness of taxpayers through studies, research and tax education for the community by optimizing the role of universities through the establishment of the Tax Center.

"This tax center is an institution that functions as a center for studying, research, training, and socialization of taxation in universities and communities," said Head of the East Java II DGT Office Agustin Vita Avantin on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Tax Center at the PGRI Sumenep Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP) in Sumenep, East Java, quoted from Antara, Thursday, February 2.

STKIP PGRI Sumenep, which is located at Jalan Trunojoyo Gedungan, Batuan District, is the fourth university on Madura Island to have a Tax Center and 19th in the East Java II DJP Regional Office.

The inauguration was marked by band cutting by the Head of the East Java DPJ Regional Office II Agustin Vita Avantin accompanied by the Chairman of STKIP PGRI Sumenep Asmoni. In addition, the two leaders made transfers of cooperation witnessed by the academic community, Forkopimda, BEM administrators and Higher Education Representatives on Madura Island.

Vita said that the efforts of the Directorate General of Taxes to increase tax awareness of the benefits and functions of taxation were needed for tax education, and one of them was through the Tax Center.

He explained that the purpose of establishing the Tax Center is to encourage and provide forums in the implementation of teaching, research, training and socialization activities within universities and create harmony between universities and the Directorate General of Taxes.

Meanwhile, to be more familiar with the participants of the activity, an interactive question and answer dialogue was held between the Head of the East Java II DJP Regional Office and STKIP student PGRI Sumenep.

In the question and answer dialogue, students seemed enthusiastic in answering the questions given.

Head of the East Java II DGT Regional Office Agustin Vita Avantin also expressed his appreciation to students. He believes that from the campus future leaders will emerge.

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