
JAKARTA - The AMMAN smelter construction project carried out by PT Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN) is the largest contributor to investment realization in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province in the 2022 period.

The realization of NTB investment in 2022 reached IDR 21.606 trillion, where this realization exceeded the national target of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) of IDR 18.5 trillion and the target of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPMJD) of IDR 15.4 trillion.

Based on the accumulation of Domestic Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA), West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) is in first place with a total investment realization of IDR 14.61 trillion, followed by Dompu Regency of IDR 3.28 trillion, and Mataram City of IDR 1.60 trillion.

In a press conference held some time ago, the Head of the NTB Investment and One Stop Integrated Service Service (DPM-PTSP) Muhammad Rum said that the investment target charged to the NTB Provincial Government for 2023 was even higher, reaching Rp22 trillion.

"Investasi dari smelter yang digarap AMIN menjadi penyumbang terbesar dari Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat untuk realisasi investasi NTB di tahun lalu, begitu juga di tahun 2023. Berbagai upaya akan dilakukan dalam mencapai target realisasi investasi, di antaranya adalah memberikan kemudahan dalam perizinan kepada investor agar menanambahkan modalnya di NTB. Selain itu, kami juga melakukan pembinaan, pengawasan, dan percepatan realisasi bagi investor terutama proyek strategis nasional, salah satunya adalah smelter," jelas Rum, dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Rabu 1 Februari.Mengenai kontribusi smelter AMMAN, Presiden Direktur Rachmat Makkasu mengatakan bahwa capaian tersebut menggambarkan komitmen perusahaan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pencapaian ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi bersama di mana pihaknya melihat dukungan yang sangat besar terhadap pembangunan smelter, baik dari pemerintah pusat dan daerah.

"We really hope that support from the government will continue to be given to us so that the smelter project can continue to run in parallel to our operational business activities, so that other large projects that will increase the value of investment can be realized. In addition to supporting NTB Province to achieve investment targets in 2023, this is also in line with a statement from the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, on Monday, which will continue to encourage the realization of the National Strategic Project (PSN) by resolving barriers related to licensing for investment," said Rachmat.

Judging from the results of last semester's verification, AMIN's smelter has reached 47 percent. This achievement is based on the calculation of the realization of the budget for smelters, which includes physical construction and also the purchase of equipment and machinery for operations.

The investment value that has been issued is equivalent to 466 million US dollars out of a total of 982 million US dollars. This shows the company's commitment to continue the construction of the smelter.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic constraints and the energy crisis in Europe, which is an external factor, have caused logistical constraints and mobilization of human resources (HR), so that the target for the completion of the smelter in 2023 will not be implemented. The AMMAN smelter is targeted to be completed in 2024. Some time ago, AMMAN has also held a meeting with the NTB Government to explain the achievements and operational business plans of the company in 2023. On that occasion, the President Director of AMMAN said that the absorption of human resources (HR) for various projects since 2021 has increased by 35 percent, of which almost 75 percent came from NTB.

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