
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) appreciates the growth of the tourism sector and the creative economy which grew significantly during 2022.

PSI DPP Spokesperson, Kokok Dirgantoro said PSI appreciated the performance of the Government, especially the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which has worked hard to restore the tourism industry and the post-pandemic creative economy for the past two years. The growth of the tourism industry and the creative economy during 2022 grew significantly as seen from the improvement in tourism indicators.

"We see that the improvement in the tourism industry and the creative economy is supported by the increasing activity of tourism travel, tourism activities and creative events, especially activities related to the G-20 Summit. Moreover, with the revocation of the policy for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) at the end of 2022, it will accelerate the recovery of this sector," said Kokok, in a written statement, Wednesday, February 1.

On the other hand, Kokok emphasized that PSI asked the Government and related Ministries to ensure that the growth of the tourism industry in 2023 must have a high multiplier impact for MSMEs and regional economies. PSI also wants the workforce to be prepared so that when this industry grows rapidly, the workforce is ready.

"We encourage the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to accelerate training and recruit workers, especially from the local community to participate in the growth of the tourism sector. This is important so that the wider community can feel the direct impact of the positive growth of the tourism industry and the creative economy," concluded Kokok.

Previously, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno in his statement after a limited meeting at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Monday, January 30, said that after 1 month of PPKM was stopped, economic activity, especially in tourism and the creative economy, increased significantly with room occupancy rates reaching 80 to 90 percent in several destinations.

"And for favorite destinations: Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Bali, it even reaches 100 percent," he explained.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy added that the government has also significantly increased the target market for foreign tourists in 2023 through several policies, including increasing the number of flights. In addition, the government is also trying to accelerate the development of tourism Special Economic Zones (SEZs) so that business opportunities and employment are created.

Another effort is to simplify the rules or deregulation and provide convenience in organizing events. With this policy, it is hoped that it will trigger more MICE activities (meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions), music-based events, and sports.

"It is hoped that it can encourage the creation of foreign tourism, the visit of 7.4 million at the upper limit and the movement of domestic tourists at 1.4 billion domestic tourism movements," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

It is estimated that the target of job creation and several flagship programs such as empowering MSMEs and tourist villages in creative villages in 2024 can reach 4.4 million new jobs.

Kokok added that his party certainly strongly supports the government's efforts to achieve the 2023 tourism target that has been set.

"We see great potential from organizing large-scale events that can generic tourist visits in the country. As we know, on March 3-5, 2023, the WSBK Indonesian Round 2023 motorcycle racing event will take place, the ASEAN Summit in May 2023 and the Mandalika MotoGP on October 13-15, 2023. We believe that with more tourism activities and MICE activity events (meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions), music-based events, and sports will be able to boost tourist arrival rates, both domestic and foreign tourists," said Kokok.

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