
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade supports seven brands of Indonesian modest fashion to appear at the 2023 New York Fashion Week (NYFW). This support is provided so that Indonesian fashion brands can be recognized worldwide.

The seven brands are Buttonscarves; KAMI.; AM by Anggiasari; Ayu Dyah Andari x BT Batik Trusmi; Zeta Prive;▁rekor Hartono; and Nada Puspita.

The seven are brands who performed at last year's Jakarta Muslim Fashion Weeek (JMFW).

This was conveyed by the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan in the Media Briefing JMFW Goes To NYFW, at the office of the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.

We want to support as hard as we can. This support is important to schedule. We want young designer friends who do this extraordinary work, not inferior to designer works from anywhere, to be global. We have extraordinary advantages, of course, they will not be accepted without promotional efforts," he said.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, admits that he is optimistic about the participation of seven national modest fashion brands in NYFW that can provide benefits for the business development of business actors in the United States (US) market.

Furthermore, he said, there are two things that make the US fashion market very potential.

First, the total population reaches 331 million people.

Second, the country ranks first in the world as an importer of fashion products.

But on the other hand, Zulhas highlighted the importance of synergy and collaboration of various parties in Indonesia to support and facilitate business actors in developing the modest fashion business to the global market.

In addition to providing support through Indonesia's modest fashion promotion activities to international events, the government also continues to encourage the opening of market access through various trade negotiations with partner countries.

"This is done to provide wider market access and ease of doing business for national business actors," he said.

Zulhas said that there are many benefits that Indonesian brands can take later after participating in international fashion events. Among other things, strengthening branding in the global market, becoming a networking tool with international fashion stakeholders including buyers, and providing knowledge about trends in the global fashion market.

We also want these designer friends to have experience in an international class event, then be able to introduce our products. There will be more people to know and meet. After that, you can have networks, meet partners and business friends, then you can develop your business," he said.

Based on data from the 2020/2021 Global Islamic Economic Report, the purchasing power of Muslim fashion or modest fashion products globally is expected to increase by 2.4 percent in five years.

In terms of value, US$311 billion will be achieved in 2024. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world has a great opportunity to become a world trendsetter modest fashion.

One of the government's efforts to make this happen is to organize the JMFW which has been carried out since 2021.

We have a bright future in the world of fashion. We hold JMFW exhibitions that are fans of extraordinary. There is also Jakarta Fashion Week which is followed by world-class players," he said.

For your information, JMFW 2022 last year featured 144 designers or brands showing off 1,000 fashion fashion collections.

In addition, last year's JMFW also featured the works of 26 young designers from 10 educational units.

In terms of business, JMFW 2022 managed to book transactions amounting to 13.2 million US dollars or around Rp206.6 billion from purchases or business commitments with buyers from 16 countries including Malaysia, Spain, Yemen, Portugal and Nigeria.

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