
The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR has distributed assistance for self-help houses for 605 uninhabitable housing units (RTLH) in Central Aceh Regency, Aceh, last year.

Through the BSPS Program, the government encourages cash work programs (PKT) as well as opens job opportunities for the community to participate in building houses that were previously unfit to become more livable.

"The BSPS program is the government's real effort to improve the quality of uninhabitable houses to become feasible and at the same time encourage cash labor intensive for the community," said Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in Jakarta, Monday, January 30.

Iwan said the main goal of distributing the BSPS Program is to encourage, and move low-income people to build and improve the quality of houses that were originally unfit for habitation, both in terms of building safety and residents' health, such as lighting, air flow and ventilation.

"We want people to be able to live in healthy and livable houses, and have good building construction," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sumatra Housing Provision Center I Teuku Faisal Riza said that his party had completed as many as 605 uninhabitable housing units through the BSPS Program using the Cash Labor Intensive Work (PKT) scheme by employing the owner of the house or the surrounding community.

"Last year, Central Aceh Regency received a budget allocation of Rp. 12.1 billion to dissect, and improve the quality of 605 uninhabitable houses. The people who received assistance from the BSPS Program received stimulant assistance of Rp. 20 million per housing unit used for material purchase costs of Rp. 17.5 million and labor wages of Rp. 2.5 million," explained Teuku.

One of the beneficiaries from Tanoh Abu Village, Atu Lintang District, Central Aceh Regency, Mulyadi stated that he and his family were very happy to receive assistance from the BSPS Program. According to him, the BSPS Program is very useful and helps people to own decent houses.

"I never dreamed of being able to build this house because there was no cost, but since there was a BSPS program as well as assistance from field facilitators (TFL) and getting socialization about the BSPS Program, I have become enthusiastic about relenting my house. now, my house is getting better and more comfortable," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by Muhammad Badri, namely a plantation farmer.

He expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of PUPR because after the BSPS program was established in the area where he lived, now the condition of his house has changed to be more appropriate.

"I am very grateful for the assistance provided by the government, especially the Ministry of PUPR. Now, our house is good and when it rains it doesn't leak anymore. Hopefully, assistance like this will continue, so that other underprivileged residents who have not received it this year can feel it," he said.

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