
YOGYAKARTA Running a business in the food and beverage sector is promising, but not without risk.

Culinary business has a broad impact on lifestyle and health, so the risk is far greater than that of other industries. So, what are the risks of a culinary business?

Culinary Business Risk

Summarized by VOI from various sources, Monday, January 30, 2023, here are a number of the most common and serious culinary business risks that business owners must know.

The explanation of the risks of the culinary business above can be seen in the following reviews.

1. Culinary Business Risk: Customer Preference Changes Very Fast

New trends in diet and eating habits appear every day very quickly. The choices seem endless, ranging from the Paleo diet, Keto diet, and gluten-free diet to healthy juices that clean the intestines and other healthy eating lifestyles.

This change is a major business risk in the food and beverage industry (Food and Beverage/F&B). They all reflect the health awareness push of overprocessed culinary products. Therefore, industry players of the F&B must remain alert to trends that can suddenly damage brand images.

2. Culinary Business Risk: Many Competitives

Business in the food and beverage sector is one that is easy to emulate. When there is a culinary business that is currently viral, several similar businesses will definitely be found afterward.

If your target market is a user of social media, such as Instagram, TikTok and so on, you can be sure that your consumers will be flooded with various and most recent culinary themed content. This condition makes competition fierce, because you have to fight for the same market.

Culinary business players who successfully take advantage of consumer psychology will come out as winners of business competition.

3. Culinary Business Risk: Fire

The risk of fire should be a major concern for F&B industry players. The reason is, fire is a major necessity in the kitchen. Coupled with a number of raw materials for flammable food, such as cooking oil or ethanol used for sterilization.

Smooth and dry powder such as potato flour, flour, and powder milk can also act as flammable material.

To minimize this risk, investing in fire protection, facility management, maintenance, and security are key.

4. Culinary Business Risk: Contamination and Disposal of Food Materials

Contamination and decay of food ingredients are one of the biggest business risks in the food and beverage industry.

The raw materials, packaging materials and production equipment are all prone to contamination. In fact, the water used in production or other purposes is also prone to contamination.

In addition, foodstuffs that are not stored in a good place also have the potential to decay more quickly.

5. Culinary Business Risk: Changes in Economic Conditions

Two years ago, the culinary industry was hit hard after Indonesia was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The policy of limiting the movement of people implemented by the government to suppress the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus that causes COVID-19, has made the culinary business sluggish.

In addition, the decline in people's income also provides a fairly deep contraction in the food and beverage industry sector.

To overcome this situation, you need to explore creativity to attract customers. For example, being a partner of an online food selling platform or creating more affordable products.

Thus 5 culinary business risks that must be known by F&B business actors. Hopefully useful!

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