
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is aggressively socializing the use of domestic products by introducing the work of Anak Bangsa to potential users and the wider community, to be closer to these superior products.

The government's encouragement through the Program to Improve the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) is also expected to be able to move people to love and use domestic products.

"We use the term'melocal' so that the P3DN Program is easier for the public to accept. The main message is that domestic products are no less qualified than foreign products," said Kris Sasono, Head of the Public Relations Bureau in a written statement, Monday, January 30.

Kris said that P3DN is a program run by his party to optimize the purchase of Domestic Products (PDN) by government agencies, BUMN, and BUMD.

Even so, the campaign to use local products continues to be echoed in order to touch the community down to the individual level.

For example, the Ministry of Industry initiated the action of "Wednesday Melokal", so that officials and employees of the Ministry of Industry are excited to make maximum use of various domestic products.

"Therefore, we also ask for the support of communities and influencers to voice the use of local products is important," said Kris.

According to Kris, the Ministry of Industry continues to be committed to supporting the birth of local brands that have a crucial impact on the Indonesian economy. This is because the growth of these brands is very important for increasing employment and equitable distribution of community welfare.

"Currently, the workforce in the small and medium industry (IKM) sector is recorded at 12.39 million people or 66.25 percent of the total workforce in the industrial sector," added Kris.

For your information, the Ministry of Industry provides guidance for IKM through e-Smart IKM programs which include digital literacy workshops, digital marketing, digital marketing onboarding, e-commerce optimization, and business development.

This program also synergizes with the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement (Gernas BBI) launched by President Joko Widodo in 2020.

Furthermore, to prioritize the acceptance of local products in the domestic market, the Ministry of Industry provides facilitation of Domestic Content Level (TKDN) certificates.

For small industries (IK), the issuance of TKDN certificates is getting easier and more free of charge, in accordance with Minister of Industry Regulation Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating TKDN Values for Small Industries.

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