
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo really pays attention to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This was realized by giving halal certificates to 2,144 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Central Java.

"Halal facilities have been implemented since 2012. As of 2022, 2,144 have been certified halal," said Head of Restructuring and Financing at the Central Java SME Office, Endah Ariyanti, via text message, Friday, January 27.

Endah said that the enthusiasm of business actors in the Halal Certification Program was very large. He said halal certification is a bridge for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to advance to class.

"After obtaining a halal certificate, the benefits obtained by SMEs include expanding the market network and increasing the SME class," he explained.

In addition to increasing consumer confidence, this certification provides calm of doing business for producers, improves production management, increases product competitiveness to the clarity of product raw materials according to the Shari'a.

Therefore, the Central Java Provincial Government assists small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in facilitating the fulfillment of halal certification requirements, especially in the food and beverage sector. Provide information on understanding related to halal products and bring together networks such as retail stores, souvenir centers to large-scale entrepreneurs.

To be able to get halal certification, there are several requirements that must be met by small and medium enterprises. Among them, business name and license, list of materials used, processing process and halal guarantee system.

Endah said the Central Java Provincial Government and Governor Ganjar Pranowo continue to be committed to encouraging the halal industry to grow. This is evidenced by the existence of a special budget allocation fund for the Halal Certification Program sourced from the APBD.

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