
JAKARTA - PT Elnusa Tbk (Elnusa) expressed its readiness to be involved in the next stages in developing oil and gas resources from Sumur Kolibri.

Previously, Elnusa joined Pertamina's Upstream Subholding contributed to exploration activities at Pertamina Group. One of them is the success of the Eastern Indonesia Subholding Upstream Region in finding gas continuum resources and condensates from the Kolibri 001 exploration well (KOL-001) at the end of 2022.

Elnusa Operations Director Charles Harianto Lumbantobing said that his party already has experience in managing Kolibri Wells so that it will facilitate the process in the future.

"So Total Solution Services from Elnusa. If this well will be produced, it will definitely need pipelines, Early Production Facility (EPF), to production facilities that of course can be assisted by Elnusa, who already has experience in Sumur Kolibri so that he can do work there based on competency," Charles said in an official statement, Friday, January 27.

He further said that Elnusa's success was also a means of proof of superior competence through business units under Elnusa, that the solution presented by Elnusa was able to compete both nationally and internationally.

He detailed that there were six service activities in which Elnusa was involved in exploration drilling activities at Sumur KOL-001, namely Drilling Fluid Services, Mud Logging, PPR services or Perforation & Pipe Recovery, Well Testing, Drill Stem Test (DST), and Slickline Services.

Elnusa's biggest activity was Drilling Fluid Services, then next there were Well Testing and PPR. Elnusa started drilling in Kolibri at the end of June 2022, but previously we had started preparating from afar for this exploration well," he explained.

In doing his job, Elnusa uses the High Performance Water Based Mud (HPWBM) system, an innovation from Elnusa's subsidiary, Elnusa Petrofin. HPWBM, if viewed from the cost side, tends to be 30 percent more efficient but longer than the time side.

Another innovation is that in well testing activities, Elnusa uses technology both downholes and surface equipment that can operate in an environment that contains high gas, which is a maximum of 0.5 percent for H2S and 25 percent for CO2.

At the achievement of the discovery of oil and gas resources at Sumur KOL-001, Elnusa hopes that these results can be immediately followed up to the development stage until they can finally be monetized through production activities so that they can contribute to increasing national oil and gas production. Elnusa is also ready to be involved in the next stage in developing oil and gas resources from Sumur Kolibri," Charles concluded.

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