
JAKARTA - Bank DKI started in 2023 with brilliant achievements. Bank DKI is free of 11 award categories at once, including five categories of awards as the Best BPD of Rank I.

One of the privileges, Bank DKI was named The Best Regional Bank In Corporate Reputation 2023. The award was received directly by the President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy at the 6th Satisfaction, Loyalty, Engagement and Corporate Reputation Awards 2023, at the ShangriLa Hotel Jakarta, Wednesday, January 25.

Not only won awards as Regional Development Bank (BPD) with the Best Corporate Reputation in 2023, Bank DKI also won a number of awards as Best BPD Rank I in several other categories, including The Most Reputable Region Bank In Innovation, The Most Reputable Region Bank In Good Management & Leadership, The Most Reputable Region Bank in CSR, The Most Reputable Region Bank to Implementation Green Banking.

President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy, expressed his gratitude to all customers, working partners, and stakeholders of Bank DKI who gave his trust to Bank DKI products and services.

"This award is a valuable appreciation for Bank DKI's commitment to maintain a consistent positive image of the organization, which we have realized through the development and innovation of the company's communication strategy and adapting to the latest communication trends. Especially in 2023, with the theme Transformation Towards a Professional Digital & Human Resources Ecosystem, Bank DKI is ready to continue to deliver innovation through synergy and collaboration with various parties, including efforts to maintain the reputation of the company that has been positively built," said Fidri, in his statement, Thursday, January 26.

At the same event, Bank DKI also won a number of award categories in the field of customer services and satisfaction including The 2nd Most Satisfying Region Bank in Teller Service, The 2nd Most Satisifying Region Bank on ATM Service, The 3rd Best Region Bank in Customer Satisfaction, 3rd Most Satisfying Region Bank on Mobile Banking, 3rd Most Satisfying Region Bank in Customer Service, and The 3rd Region Bank With Strong Customer Engagement.

For information, the award was given based on the results of a survey conducted by MRI in collaboration with Infobank on 1,437 respondents who are bank customers with distribution in eight major cities, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Medan, Balikpapan/Samarinda, Makassar, and Palembang. The survey was conducted in the October 2022 to December 2022 by using quantitative methods through face-to-face interviews. Samplification is carried out using the intercept method in public areas and crowded places.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that this award is a spirit for Bank DKI to continue to adapt to face business challenges in 2023.

"Preparing challenges in 2023, Bank DKI will continue to innovate and optimize synergy and collaboration with BUMD and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and other parties. In addition, through the spirit of transformation towards the digital ecosystem, Bank DKI is always committed to providing innovations in digital banking products and services that make it easier for customers, partners, and stakeholders," concluded Arie.

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