
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Highways will continue to develop in the field of connectivity, both the completion of road and bridge infrastructure that has begun to be built and the use and preservation of infrastructure that has been built.

Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian said, in 2023 the Directorate General of Highways received a budget allocation of IDR 49.31 trillion, allocated for the construction of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) of IDR 8.73 trillion (17.71 percent) and the remaining regular budget for connectivity programs and management support of IDR 40.58 trillion (82.29 percent).

"To achieve the road safety target, 96 percent of Renstra is needed for a budget allocation of IDR 30 trillion. Meanwhile, the road and bridge preservation budget for 2023 is only IDR 22.97 trillion, so the road determination prediction that can be achieved is 93.57 percent," said Hedy in his official statement, quoted on Thursday, January 26.

The planned activities of the Directorate General of Highways in 2023 include the construction of a national road with a length of 422.35 km, capacity building and preservation of increased national road structures along 3,538.36 km, construction and duplication of bridges along 8,255.55 meters, as well as preservation and replacement of bridges along 106,923.98 meters.

Then, increasing the connectivity of expressways or toll roads along 6.49 km, increasing the accessibility of flyovers/underpass/terowongan along 2,165.86 meters, routine preservation of national roads and bridges, as well as revitalization of drainage and suspension bridges, and management support.

"Bina Marga's labor-intensive plan in 2023 is IDR 4.78 trillion with a workforce absorption plan of 80,000 people," said Hedy.

Meanwhile, in 2022, Hedy said that the financial realization of the Directorate General of Highways at the Ministry of PUPR was IDR 54.49 trillion or 93.71 percent of the budget ceiling of IDR 58.14 trillion and physical realization reached 96.13 percent.

"For its achievements in 2022, a 142 km toll road has been built, a new national road with a length of 468 km, a bridge with a length of 20,759 meters, and a flyover/underpass of 1,128 meters," he concluded.

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