
JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tutuka Ariadji visited the Benuang D-2 (BNG-D2) well drilling site, Pertamina EP Asset 2 Field Adera Working Area (Pertamina Hulu Rokan Regional-1 Zone-4), in Prabumulih, South Sumatra.

Well Benuang drilling is one of the activities of oil and gas operations with very high risk, but until now, the activities carried out by operators are quite smooth with good results.

During his visit, Tutuk said, to realize optimal work productivity, all parties need to understand the importance of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) or Health and Work Safety (K3). This also applies to oil and gas business activities, including drilling activities where the risk is very high.

"The oil and gas industry is very vulnerable to accidents, but also the most experienced compared to other industries in the world. The oil and gas industry has been going on for more than 125 years and that long experience has made K3 our culture to date. K3 is number one in the oil and gas industry," said Tutuka at the Benuang D-2 (BNG-D2) well drilling site quoted Monday, January 23.

Based on the experience of a number of oil and gas accidents, continued Tutuka, there are several things that need to be understood and lessons taken, including if it is necessary to take unusual actions in an oil and gas operation, then these activities need to be communicated to all parties involved.

"So if an extraordinary action is taken, it needs to be communicated beforehand. Every crew starts from the director of operations to the bottom, the communication must be the same, there is no distortion of communication from top to bottom. All actions are carried out seriously and with a full sense of responsibility for the sake of mutual security," continued Tutuka.

The drilling activity that is being carried out at Benuang D-2 well is one of the oil and gas operations whose risk is very high even though until now the activities carried out by the operator are running smoothly with good results. However, Tutuka reminded that this should not make workers careless due to accidents in drilling activities, among others, due to fatigue, especially at dawn when people are very sleepy.

"I hope there will be a balance between work and rest. We ask that it be considered because it works with enthusiasm and joy, it will be better than working with inadequate fatigue," Tutuka ordered.

Meanwhile, General Manager of Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Regional-1 Zone 4, Agus Agus Amperianto, on the same occasion said that the safety of operations in oil and gas business activities is a top priority. It was also reported that there is additional potential for oil and gas production in Benuang Field/Structure, through the BNG-D2 well which is currently still being drilled with the 22nd operating day.

"So far, the team has carried out activities safely, smoothly and safely. My hope is that until this activity is completed, it can be completed properly and can produce oil according to the target of 458 BOPD," said Agus.

Not only BNG-D2 wells, drilling was also carried out at Sumur Benuang B2 (BNG-B2) with a target depth of 2,572 mMD to get hydrocarbon targets of 378 bopd and 1.5 MMSCFD. In addition, there was the success of drilling the Infil-19 MMbak which obtained the initials for production of 1,442 barrels of oil per day and 1.6 MMSCFD of gas.

Benuang Field has been produced since 1941, where based on oil and gas reserve data January 1, 2022 (ESDC), Benuang Field has an Inplace (2P) of 785 BSCF and 38.9 MMBOs with recovery factor (with respect to 2P inplace) reaching 30.57 percent (earth gas) and 26.2 percent (oil/condensate).

Currently, oil production and condensates as of November 2022 from the Benuang field are 1,284 BOPDs and 5.65 MMSCFD. The additional production success through the Benuang POFD which was approved in 2019 with successful drilling on BNG-51/B1, BNG-52/D1, and BNG-53/E1 will continue through drilling other wells (infill/step-out) at RK 2023-2025, including BNG-D2/54 wells and BNG-B2 which are being drilled as of January 2023.

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