
JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso, said that there had been rogue businessmen who contacted him regarding the entry of imported rice stocks by Bulog.

Buwas, Budi Waseso's nickname, said that whenever imported rice enters Indonesia, rogue businessmen are scrambling to channel it to the public.

But unfortunately, Buwas said, the distribution was accompanied by benefits.

In fact, the rogue businessman suspects that Buwas is a figure who can participate in the process of distributing government rice reserves.

"Now that this rice has reached Bulog, it's starting to fight over. There are people who don't understand who I am. Dare to call me, (and say) 'Sir, this president director, if I may become a distributor, sir, that item will be later, I'm ready to distribute it, it's a week, sir. there's a count, sir," said Buwas at the Bulog Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, January 20.

Not only that, Buwas also suspected that the businessman who called him thought he needed pocket money towards the end of his position as President Director of Bulog.

In fact, said Buwas, it was never in his mind.

Buwas admitted that he only responded to the naughty entrepreneur naturally.

"Sontoloyo to me right, he doesn't know who I am. 'Oh yes, okay', well, he thought 'Sir, the president director is about to finish, he's definitely looking for sangu (her pocket money), looking for money', I was offered to laugh'okay, I'll think about it'. Wow, he's excited, two times I called 'Sir,' how about it' I answered 'yes,'" he explained.

In this regard, Buwas admitted that he had also explained to his directors in Bulog.

He stressed that he would never use his position for personal gain.

"I talked to my directors, if I want to play, why is it only now that the last second I want to play. I'm late, since yesterday, right," he said.

Actually, continued Buwas, an offer like this was not the first experience.

He said, during his career at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the same thing had happened.

"It's the same with my experience at Bareskrim and at BNN, like this models are offered to collaborate on crimes, violations. What are you doing. Because we hold the mandate, we must be responsible according to the promise of the oath," he said.

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