
JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported that the principal realization of the auction throughout 2022 reached IDR 35 trillion.

Director of Auction for DJKN Kemenkeu Joko Prihanto said the number managed to exceed the target set for last year's IDR 30 trillion.

"From the auction, I also received Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of IDR 850 billion. That amount is equivalent to 121 percent of the 2022 PNBP auction target," he said when holding a press conference on Friday, January 20.

According to Joko, the achievement of the auction has continued to increase in trend since the last five years. At that time, in 2017 the main achievement of the auction was only around 16 trillion. Meanwhile, the decline only occurred once at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic with the achievement of Rp26 trillion, less than 2019 which amounted to Rp27 trillion.

Even so with the collection of PNBP. It is recorded that the PNBP auction will fall in 2020. The rest, from 2017 to 2022, always posted upgrading results.

"This is a very positive growth trend," he said.

Joko detailed that last year's principal auction score of IDR 35 trillion played a major role in three different things. First, state financial recovery and law enforcement of IDR 2 trillion.

Second, the settlement of non-performing loans (NPL) amounting to IDR 10 trillion, and playing a role in moving the wheels of the economy of IDR 23 trillion.

"This certainly plays a good role in improving our economy," said Joko.

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