
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that Indonesia was able to overcome various challenges in 2022 very well as shown by a strong economic recovery, a controlled COVID-19 pandemic, and community activities began to recover. According to her, this achievement is an important provision for Indonesia in navigating the 2023 period with optimism.

"This year, Indonesia must face new challenges with greater potential dynamics, one of which is the weakening trend of the world economy (recession) due to various factors," he said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, January 19.

The Minister of Finance explained that the factor in question is high inflation due to commodities, rising interest rates, and the consequences for the weakening of the economy. For this reason, he said that there are four things that the government will focus on in 2023.

First, inflation that must be controlled because it can affect many things.

He said, the government and Bank Indonesia are working together to keep inflation in the safe range.

"Now the inflation that appears does not only come from the demand side but also due to supply availability and also obstacles in the distribution of goods/services," he said.

Second, focusing on reducing or eliminating extreme poverty. The Minister of Finance revealed that with 5 percent economic growth, Indonesia has its own space to maintain the health of the state budget.

"We have a social assistance budget of Rp479 trillion with energy subsidies reaching more than Rp330 trillion this year. We are all optimizing it to achieve national welfare goals," he said.

The third is stunting. It was stated that the government is targeting a reduction in stunting to be lower than the current level of 24 percent.

The fourth focus is investment that continues to be encouraged in order to create a conducive climate for the business world.

So that even if interest rates rise, investors can still have confidence that they will benefit from investment. Remember, investment means there is a creation of job opportunities that help the community in improving their standard of life," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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