
YOGYAKARTA – Agribusiness job prospects are wide open, especially in the agriculture, fishery, plantation and forestry sectors. In addition, agribusiness graduates can also take financial, marketing, operational and management positions in a company. Because, during college, you also learned to study a business engaged in agriculture and all its supporting components.

Just so you know, the Department of Agribusiness is a combination of words from agriculture which means agriculture and business which means business. That is, this department studies agriculture and business in the management of modern agriculture and the food industry for MSME to corporate management.

Agribusiness Job Prospects

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Wednesday, January 18 2023, here are the job prospects for agribusiness graduates:

  1. Agricultural Consultant

Agribusiness graduates have the opportunity to become agricultural consultants. an agricultural consultant is tasked with directing, fostering, and conducting counseling to farmers so that they can maximize crop yields.

Agricultural consultants can create superior agricultural programs, especially in farming diversification.

  1. Research Institutions

Agribusiness graduates also have the opportunity to become researchers at a research institute such as LIPI or other institutions.

Science will certainly always continue to show very significant developments. One example is the science of plants, such as how to speed up harvests, improve agricultural products and various other things.

  1. Agricultural Company Employees (BUMN or Private)

Job opportunities in private and state-owned companies engaged in agriculture are wide open for agribusiness graduates.

In addition to dealing with agriculture, agribusiness graduates can take positions in finance, marketing, operations, and management.

You can take these positions, because as long as you are a student you don't only study the world of agriculture, but also see all aspects of business. Thus, you will have basic knowledge related to company management.

  1. Government Agencies Employees

The next agribusiness job prospect is being able to choose to work in several government agencies, starting from the Regional Agriculture Service to the Ministry of Agriculture.

As an agency dealing with agricultural issues in Indonesia, they certainly provide a place for agribusiness graduates.

  1. Lecturer or Academic
Ilustrasi akademisi atau dosen
Illustration of an academic or lecturer (Pixabay).

Agribusiness graduates can also become lecturers, as long as Ada continues her studies to the Masters or even Doctoral level.

Lecturers as educators are synonymous with the ability to teach and present material in front of the class. Even though this profession is also done to make money, as educators it also requires dedication in imparting every knowledge.

  1. Businessman or Entrepreneur

Agribusiness graduates have a great opportunity to become entrepreneurs because they have been equipped with socio-economic knowledge.

As an agricultural country, Indonesia has great potential in the agricultural sector, plantations, food crops, forestry, and so on. You can maximize that potential by making a business in the agricultural sector.

Apart from that, you are also creating a digital platform for agriculture so that you can hoist the products produced by farmers.  

  1. Commodities Trader

Agribusiness job prospects are also open to become commodities traders. A commodities trader is responsible for negotiating commodity prices, monitoring market trends, monitoring shipping and receiving processes, as well as predicting weather and harvest success.

Some of the skills that you must have to become a commodities trader are competent financial knowledge, communication skills especially with potential customers, and decision making that is right on target.

That is the information about the job prospects in agribusiness. May be useful!

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