
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) received a budget ceiling of IDR 125.22 trillion in 2023.

One of these budgets will be used for infrastructure development.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, with this budget, there are a number of program plans to be implemented, namely in the water resource sector worth Rp41.95 trillion, roads and bridges Rp49.31 trillion, settlements Rp25.03 trillion, and housing Rp6.98 trillion.

"The priority, as directed by the President in 2023-2024, is specifically to complete PSN (National Strategic Projects) programs, which are all completed in the first semester of 2024," Basuki said at Commission V Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

"So, new developments are very selective once and once again only complete programs ordered by the president," he continued.

Furthermore, Basuki said that the 2023 priority target in the water resource sector, which includes the construction of 29 units of dams (4 new dams, 12 on going, and 13 completions), 14 reservoirs, construction of an irrigation network of 6,900 hectares, and rehabilitation of an irrigation network of 98,700 hectares.

Next, the construction of raw water infrastructure 2.6 cubic meters per second and flood control, as well as coastal safety of 87.75 km.

"The road and bridge area of IDR 49.31 trillion will be used for the construction of 444 km of new roads, (including IKN access) along 6.5 km. Then, the construction of 2,165 meters of flyovers/underpasses," he said.

As for the residential area, it includes the construction of a 2,206 liters of drinking water supply system per second, handling 306.9 hectares of slum areas, 26,500 families of managed waste, and managing 16,600 families of wastewater.

In addition, in the residential area there is the development of building arrangements and a neighborhood of 20 areas.

Then, the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure, educational facilities, sports and markets of 1,105 units.

Furthermore, the housing sector includes 5,397 flats, 3,362. units, 145,000 self-help houses and 27,825 housing PSU units.

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