
JAKARTA - The government recently issued a Government Regulation in Lieu of the Job Creation Law (Perppu).

However, the presence of beiled has drawn criticism from various parties. Because, it is considered more profitable for entrepreneurs.

Chairman of the Association of Strategic Socio-Economic Cadres (AKSES) Suroto assessed that the newly ratified Job Creation Perppu did not meet the elements of the urgency of economic conditions for the condition of the issuance of a Perppu.

"Preconditionally, economic conditions are actually contradictory to the government's own statement, which is still optimistic about the estimated economic growth, and inflation is controlled in 2023," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

In fact, according to Suroto, the contents of the Job Creation Perppu and its derivative regulations actually benefit the interests of the national business elite more.

There are efforts to prioritize a risk approach model (risking approach) rather than prevention approaches in mining, plantation, and manufacturing business licensing.

Currently, extractive commodities such as coal, palm oil, nickel and others are becoming the world's prima donna due to the energy crisis caused by the Ukraine war and also because there is a surge in demand. The price is high and seems to last quite a while. These oligarchs are playing this out," he said.

Suroto said that the Job Creation Perppu is a safety vest for elites to avoid the requirements for environmental impact analysis, licensing difficulties, and also other corporate social dependent problems.

The elite national businessmen who are currently in control of power and even control the parliament are playing. The big motivation is there. That's why the president was unable to refuse their will to impose the Job Creation Law which has been declared unconstitutional to become a Perppu," he said.

Suroto revealed that there is another rule that is considered problematic, namely the Omnibus Law on Strengthening and Development of the Financial Sector (PPSK). The law is considered not in accordance with the objectives of building risk mitigation protocols in dealing with financial and economic crises and developing investment in the financial sector.

"The Job Creation Perppu and the PPSK Omnibus Law Law are the complete packages of economic control by political elites and rich elites in the real sector and the financial sector," he said.

Needed for Long-Term

Meanwhile, LPEM FEB UI economist Teuku Riefky assessed that the existence of the Job Creation Perppu was needed for macroeconomic conditions in the medium and long term.

"I argue that the need for the Ciptaker Perppu is still very much needed for our macroeconomic conditions, especially for growth in the medium and long term," said Riefky.

Riefky said, the condition of the Indonesian economy in the near future, is quite prudent, and can even be said to be able to escape the world's economic slowdown. However, in the long term, there needs to be mitigation from the government. One of them is the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu.

"We know, for example, from the issue of our employment, it is relatively uncompetitive, both from the skill and the level of wages and bureaucracy. The job creation Perppu aims to facilitate all these processes and make our labor market more competitive and this is also the goal so that job creation and attracting investment can also be more encouraged in the future," explained Riefky.

Even so, according to Riefky, the government should pay attention to the public aspirations of the Job Creation Perppu. Especially related to the view that the issuance of this Job Creation Perppu is not urgent.

"Indeed, for the Perppu copyrighter, it is necessary to continue to see its implementation so that it remains in accordance with its goals," he said.

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