
JAKARTA - The terminal operator company PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP) recorded 11.16 million Teus container flows throughout 2022 or grew by around 1.08 percent, when compared to the same period in 2021 which recorded 11.04 million Teus.

PT Pelindo Pelindo's Corporate Secretary Widyaswendra admitted that the achievement of the 2022 container flow was slightly below the target set by the company of 11.65 million Teus.

Widyaswendra explained that many factors affected the company's container current target.

One of them is related to foreign containers that are still influenced by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

In addition, he continued, the problem of closing ports due to the lockdown policy in a number of cities in China has also affected the flow of exports and imports at a number of container terminals in Indonesia.

"Domestic packaging has also decreased, this is influenced by a number of factors, one of which is bad weather in several regions in Indonesia," Widyaswendra told reporters, Monday, January 16.

Furthermore, Widyaswendra said that the flow of foreign containers in 2022 was recorded at 3.48 million Teus or 94.28 percent of the target of 3.66 million Teus.

"This number has increased by 2.04 percent from 2021 as many as 3.41 million Teus," he said.

Meanwhile, domestic containers throughout 2022 were recorded at 7.67 million Teus or 96.1 percent of the target of 7.98 million Teus. Widyaswendra said the flow of domestic containers grew 0.65 percent from 2021 which was recorded at 7.62 million Teus.

"Our prediction is that in 2022 there will be an increase of around 5-7 percent from 2021. However, the realization will increase by around 1.08 percent. For 2023, our target is approximately 11.53 million Teus," he said.

Widyaswendra said that the operational transformation of the container terminal is still the company's main program in 2023.

A number of container terminals will be polished to increase productivity which is expected to reduce ship stop times (port stay).

The container terminals in question include Jayapura TPK, Pantoloan TPK, Kupang TPK, Tarakan TPK, Kendari TPK, and Bitung TPK.

Other programs that will be run by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikes are digitization and operation system of container terminals, asset optimization, port development through strategic partners, and several other work programs.

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