
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said that Indonesia's 2022 economic journey grew high with increasing intercourse. According to him, the positive score last year provided support for the state budget as a shock absorber to protect the community.

"We are out of the pandemic period and we have strong enough resilience. It's like our legs are strong enough to enter 2023," he said in a written statement today, Friday, January 13.

Suahasil explained that economic indicators that provide optimism, such as indicators of electricity demand, retail, and so on, are moving positively. Even so, he reminded that the shadow of global uncertainty must also be watched out for.

A third of the world will exist in a very difficult period, even said to be recession. Meanwhile, the other two-thirds will definitely be affected. But the impact is almost certainly different. For Indonesia, we minimize it with its strong domestic fundamentals. That's the source of optimism," he said.

Suahasil added, in order to anticipate the impact of the recession that has occurred in developed countries, the Deputy Minister of Finance revealed that Indonesia needs to find new sources of economic growth.

Some of what is currently being intensified are by continuing the downstreaming of natural resources, using domestic products, encouraging MSMEs, and making the transition to a green economy.

"This has begun to be echoed and we continue to do it with discipline because it will create a lot of multiplier effects in the country. These four are the source of Indonesia's new economic growth and it is driven by our fundamentals," he stressed.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani's representative said that those who were directly affected were sectors that had high exposure to global ones, such as the financial sector.

"Surely we have to be very, very vigilant about the relationship between our financial sector and globally," he added.

It was stated that other sectors that were also affected by the recession were manufacturing sectors that exported. Suahasil estimates that export activities will decline in line with the weakening of the destination country.

The business world then increases the efficient use of input so that its products become competitive in price. Of course, the government will support the business world to maintain competitiveness towards goods that we export outside," concluded Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.

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