
JAKARTA In order to strengthen a culture of risk awareness, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Human Settlements held an Annual Risk Management Meeting 2023 with the theme "Strengthening Risk Aware Culture" at the PUPR Ministry Building, on Thursday, January 12.

Director General of Human Settlements Diana Kusumastuti said that the implementation of Risk Management at the Ministry of PUPR was based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 2008 concerning the Government Internal Control System, which was then lowered in the SE Minister of PUPR Number 04/SE/M/2021 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Risk Management at the Ministry of PUPR.

"This risk management is carried out so that the goals of our infrastructure development can be of the right quality, on time, on quality, on cost, on administration and on the right benefits," said Diana.

"All of this can be realized without any problems that we can actually prevent if we can identify and can control these risks," he added.

Diana also added that this year, the implementation of risk management at the Directorate General of Human Settlements will focus on integration in business processes. He also hopes that officials within the Directorate General of Human Settlements can understand the risk management, so they begin to realize and record what risks are faced in each job.

Then, he continued, must also think about its control so that this risk does not turn into a problem.

"If we have implemented this risk management well, it is hoped that problems that often occur in our work, such as delays in work by service providers, then coordination with other ministries/agencies that are not good, until fraud occurs in construction work can be resolved, so that we can focus on innovating and creating new values for the community," said Diana.

On the same occasion, Inspector General T. Iskandar reminded the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono's message to all PUPR personnel regarding risk management which is part of the risk mitigation of project implementation, risk potential prevention efforts, as well as the assurance of the PUPR Ministry's business process.

"The implementation of risk management actually helps organizations to achieve their goals and prevent events that can disrupt business processes. All PUPR employees are at the forefront of implementing risk management, so all employees should understand its implementation," he added.

The 2023 Annual Risk Management Meeting activity aims to internalize the implementation of risk management for Fiscal Year 2023, carry out communication and consultations for the preparation of UPR-T1 Risk Management Commitments to UPR-T3, award all work units, UPT, Implementation Satker, and individuals for the implementation of risk management, as well as strengthening the role of the Internal Compliance Directorate at the Directorate General of Human Settlements.

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