
YOGYAKARTA The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus that caused COVID-19 that hit Indonesia 2 years ago apparently still dealt a crushing blow to the retail sector.

This can be seen from the number of malls in Jakarta that are empty of visitors. Although currently the spread of the corona virus can be suppressed, public interest in shopping directly at shopping centers has not returned.

Currently, many people prefer online shopping rather than visiting malls because they are more practical, cheap, and have many promos.

Selain faktor tersebut, masalah kepadatan lalu lintas dan juga munculnya pusat perbelanjaan dengan konsep yang lebih modern membuat mal-mal lama menutup lapak bisnisnya.

So, which malls are empty of visitors to Jakarta? Check out the full information below.

Compiled from various sources, Wednesday, January 11, 2023, the following are a row of malls in Jakarta that are empty of visitors:

This shopping center located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta was once a legendary mall and was known as a gadget and computer center.

In the early 1990s, Ratu Plaza was filled with many famous retailers, such as Matahari Department Store, Gunung Agung Shop, to Solo's typical Keris Batik.

However, since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Ratu Plaza malls have been empty of visitors. Many scallators are not working, many room coolers are also turned off, many stalls are closed, only a few stalls with well-known brands remain. Such as iBox, DJi, cellphones, Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, IT Gallery are still open.

According to management, the lack of Ratu Plaza mall has led to the implementation of a lockdown policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. This issue, visitors are reduced and many shops cannot continue their business.

However, the management is still trying to make the mall not quiet.

"Management continues to try to rent out empty space assisted by internal marketing teams or through property agents," said Shinta Lestari Mall Management Manager to CNBC Indonesia, quoted Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

This shopping center has actually been empty of visitors since 2017, precisely after the fire incident that hit Grand Paragon Mall. This condition is exacerbated by the arrival of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Currently, the mall, which is located on Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakarta, is mostly visited by people who want to watch cinemas that are still available there.

Next, there is Plaza Semanggi. This shopping center, located in South Jakarta, has begun to lose visitors since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

When the government imposed a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy, many residents were reluctant to shop directly at the mall.

If there are still people visiting the mall, there are only a few in number. The trend of online shopping then worsened the fate of this plaza.

Blok M Mall, which used to be a place for young people to hang out, now looks loose.

In the past, this mall had many visitors because its position was very strategic and integrated with Block M Terminal. This allows visitors to easily access this shopping center after dropping from general transportation.

However, the condition of Blok M Mall has changed 180 degrees. Now the road connecting the mall with the terminal looks deserted. Many shops also chose to close because they did not make a profit.

The Great Western Grand Serpong has also lost its glory despite its strategic location, which is near the Tangerang toll exit.

The mall, which blends with the apartment, looks deserted, both from its shopping center and its apartment.

That's information about malls in Jakarta that are empty of visitors. Updates on the latest developments are only on

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