The Ministry Of Manpower Will Revise The Minimum Wage Formula At The Job Creation Perppu, The Details Will Be Included In The Revised PP 36/2021


JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) will revise the formula for calculating the minimum wage in Government Regulations in Lieu of Law (Perppu) on Job Creation.

The Director General of Industrial Relations and Social Security at the Ministry of Manpower, Indah Anggoro Putri, said that the amendment to the formula for calculating the minimum wage would be explained in more detail through the revision of Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021 concerning wage policy.

"In this Perppu, it is mentioned that there will be an improvement in the formula or minimum. Later in detail, we will also include it in the revision of Government Regulation No. 36 of 2021," he said during a press conference on Friday, January 7.

Indah said, the wage calculation formula in the Job Creation Perppu was a response to the public's aspirations as outlined in the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number 18 of 2022 concerning the Determination of Minimum Wages in 2023.

"Initially, we have responded more from absorption of public aspirations. That the formula in the Job Creation Law for the minimum wage cannot be received 100 percent, so there is a change in Permen No. 18 of 2022," he explained.

On this occasion, Indah also dismissed the news that there was government power in regulating the minimum wage of an area through this Job Creation Perppu.

Indah said that the government's determination of wages will be applied to an area that is experiencing a national disaster.

Later, continued Indah, the central government will play a role in setting the minimum wage from the area, according to conditions that occur during a national disaster.

"So it is not true that there is a hoax that says that this job creation Perppu returns power to the central government, or the Minister of Manpower to determine the wages of all regions in Indonesia is not true, not true," he said.

"Only giving authority to the central government stipulates in areas that are indeed in the event of a national disaster," concluded Indah.

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