
JAKARTA - The government through Pertamina has officially lowered the price of non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM) as of 14.00 WIB on January 3. The prices for Pertamina's fuel have fallen, including Pertamax, Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite, and Pertamina Dex.

Responding to this, Economist and Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira said the government should have done the decline in Pertamax prices several months ago.

"Ideally Pertamax has been down (since) two months ago," Bhima told VOI, on Friday, January 6.

Bhima said the adjustment was reasonable in line with the decline in world oil prices in recent months.

"Perpenyesuaian harga Pertamax memang wajar dilakukan, karena harga minyak lurah sudah turun 1,3 persen secara tahunan menjadi 76,4 dolar AS per barrel," ujarnya.

According to Bhima, currently the task of the government is to immediately reduce the price of Pertalite and Solar subsidies for the community, in order to create justice.

"It's not fair, it feels like state revenues, both taxes and PNBPs are above the target, but fuel subsidies are being held," he said.

He also assessed that by adjusting the prices of Pertalite and Solar, it would later have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy.

"What has more positive impact on the economy is that Pertalite and Solar are lowered, if possible, return to the initial price before the increase in September 2022," he concluded.

As is known, the Government through PT Pertamina (Persero) has just adjusted prices for several types of its fuel oil (BBM).

This was done in order to implement the Decree of the Minister (Kepmen) of Energy and Mineral Resources No.245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as an amendment to Kepmen No.62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning Basic Price Formula in Calculation of Retail Selling Prices Types of General Oil type Gasoline and Solar Oil which are channeled through Public Fuel Filling Stations.

For Pertamax products (RON 92) from IDR 13,900/liter now to IDR 12,800/liter, Pertamax Turbo (RON 98) from IDR 15,200/liter to IDR 14,050/liter, Dexlite from IDR 18,300/liter to IDR 16,150/liter, and Pertamina Dex from IDR 18,800/liter to IDR 16,750/liter.

Meanwhile, the price of subsidized fuel such as Pertalite and Solar has not changed or is still at the same price before.

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