
The government through the Minister of Finance issued a new regulation contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) number 185/PMK.04/2022 regarding the simplification of the provisions for physical inspection of imported goods and document research.

Director of Communication and Guidance of Nirwala Service Users Dwi Heryanto said this new PMK is a replacement for PMK number 139/PMK.04/2007 as amended to PMK number 225/PMK.04/2015.

"The new regulation also aims to further improve the smooth flow of goods and accelerate the implementation of customs inspection in the import sector," he said in a written statement on Friday, January 6.

According to Nirwala, the strategic steps taken are a follow-up to the bureaucratic reform program and institutional transformation (RBTK) which is in line with efforts to harmonize business processes and information technology.

The customs examination was carried out on imported goods including document research and physical inspection of goods. Customs inspection was carried out after importers or PPJK (Corruption Service Management Company) submitted a notification of import customs or complementary customs documents with the aim of obtaining the right data and assessment," he said.

Meanwhile, document research is an activity carried out by the service computer system (SKP) and/or Customs and Excise officials who serve as document inspectors to ensure that customs notifications are made complete and correct.

He said, document research by SKP includes, completeness and veracity of filling out import customs notifications, and fulfilling the provisions of prohibitions and/or restrictions.

"Meanwhile, physical inspection of goods is carried out by the Physical Examination Officer (PFF) by opening the package of goods and/or using a scanner," he added.

Nirwala added that inspections by opening the packaging were carried out with the presence of PFF directly at the checkpoint or via electronic media.

Physical examination of goods through electronic media was carried out after obtaining approval from the Customs and Excise Officer based on a request from the importer or PPJK. Meanwhile, inspection using a scanner is carried out as a substitute and/or before examination by opening the packaging.

"In the new PMK, the procedure for preparing goods is carried out with a notification mechanism for the readiness of goods from importers/PPJK to Customs Officers or orders for the preparation of goods from Customs Officers to TPS entrepreneurs. The use of the procedure for preparing goods at the customs office is determined by the Head of the Customs Office for each TPS," he explained.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate also said that if the physical examination can be postponed in the event that the container seal is damaged and/or has been opened, the items examined have special properties so that it is not possible to carry out inspections at the TPS.

"Further information regarding the latest provisions for customs inspection in the import sector can be accessed through the official Customs website," concluded Nirwala.

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