
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will start using the B35 Narcotics Fuel (BBN) on February 1, 2023. This is in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of EBTKE No. 10.E/EK.05/DJE/2022.

In the letter, the use of B35 is intended to increase the provision of clean energy in a sustainable manner.

"The implementation of the B35 program is a step to anticipate a surge in world oil prices and reduce diesel imports," said Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana through the Instagram account of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Thursday, January 5.

Just so you know, the mandatory biodiesel program has begun to be implemented in 2008 with a mixture of biodiesel levels of 2.5 percent. The success of the mandatory program has increased biodiesel levels by up to 7.5 percent in the period 2008 to 2010.

Then since April 2015 the percentage of biodiesel has been increased again from 10 percent to 15 percent. Furthermore, on January 1, 2016, it was increased to 20 percent or B20.

In line with the regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 12 of 2015, the percentage of biodiesel is increased to B30 in 2020.

Quoting from the official website of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, referring to the projected distribution of Biosolar in 2022 of 36,475,050 kiloliters (KL), as well as the assumption of demand/demand growth of 3 percent, it is estimated that Biosolar sales in 2023 will reach 37,567,411 million KL.

The estimated need for Biodiesel to support the implementation of B35 is 13,148,594 KL, or an increase of about 19 percent compared to the 2022 allocation of 11,025,604 KL.

"The increase in Biodiesel mixing to B35 has gone through a series of tests, both in the laboratory, as well as through the implementation of the B40 Road Test. In addition, the implementation of B35 has also taken into account the readiness of the BBN Business Entity and the Oil Fuel Agency (BBM), both in terms of supply readiness, distribution, including supporting infrastructure," wrote the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

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