
YOGYAKARTA Actually there are many types of safe investments for millennials. Security is based on small risks but there is still an increase in profits that can be obtained. It is said that it is safe because this investment considers the financial condition of millennials who are not yet stable or millennials who are still in the learning stage.

Not only related to profit and loss, investment for millennials is also more affordable and can be purchased with capital according to the millennial pocket.

Types of investment for young people must consider several things, namely profit-loss, capital, and timeframe. The three can be adjusted to the conditions and goals of young investors. Several types of investment that young people can try are as follows.

Deposito is a type of investment in the form of storing money in a bank account with a futures system. This means that customers can deposit their money in the bank and no withdrawals can be made within a certain period of time. Disbursement may only be made after the predetermined maturity.

Each bank has a deposit service that can be used for millennial investment. The available period of time varies from 1, 3, 6, to 12 months. Meanwhile, the interest given to customers also promises profit. This investment is very suitable for millennials because the risk is very small.

Money Market Fund Mutual is a type of mutual fund investment made with the help of Investment Manager (MI). Investor money will be invested by a MI into the Money Market instrument due in less than a year. Meanwhile, the Money Market instruments include a State Debt Certificate (SUN), a Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI), Bonds, Sukuk, and others.

This investment is fairly safe for novice millennial investors because it is assisted by Investment Managers who have more knowledge in the investment sector. The way money market mutual investment is also very easy because many investment companies are legal and provide mutual fund investment. How to buy mutual funds is also very easy so it is suitable for millennials.

Bonds are debt securities containing promises or contracts from publishers to reward interest in a certain period and pay off principal debt at the end of a predetermined time. Bonds have advantages, namely providing stable profits and risks when compared to stocks.

There are several types of bonds, namely government bonds, retail bonds, and corporate bonds. The first two bonds were both issued by the government, while corporate bonds were issued by companies. This type of investment can be tried by millennials because the risk tends to be small so that money is not lost.

This investment is actually ageless because it can be owned by young people to parents. This investment is very popular because it tends to be safe and provides real benefits. Physical gold has even become one type of investment that is still popular in Indonesia to date.

Physical gold can be in the form of bars issued by Antam or it can be in the form of jewelry. Disbursement of money in physical gold investment also tends to be faster so that many are chosen.

Besides being physical, there is also digital gold, namely 24 carat gold which can be stored in a digital way. Even though it is digital, this type of gold can still be realized in physical form. Purchasing digital gold can also be done online and can be stored online so that it is more practical both in purchasing and storing. In addition, this type of investment is very friendly for millennials because it does not require a lot of capital.

Investment in the form of property does require large capital, but is very efficient in promising profits. So it is natural that many young people will choose to save their money in the form of property.

That's information related to investment for millennials. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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