
YOGYAKARTA - The ease of the export-import business has made many people interested in being exporters.

However, you cannot trade goods abroad carelessly, but there are requirements and conditions that you must fulfill. What are the conditions for being an exporter?

Selling goods abroad is currently a promising business. Many Indonesian entrepreneurs or exporters have gained success. The reason is, many domestically made products have large markets when marketed outside. Especially at this time the conditions for being an exporter are not complicated, as many novice businessmen imagine.

The provisions and conditions for becoming an exporter have been regulated by the Directorate General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade (DJPEN Kemendag). But before you find out, you need to understand first what exporters are.

Exploiters are those who export, be it individuals, institutions, or business entities or companies. The Republic of Indonesia Law Number 7 of 2014 contains the definition of exports as an activity to remove goods from the Customs Area. The Customs area is an area in Indonesia (covering water, land and air) which is the limit for collecting import duties and export duties.

Exports and imports are part of international trade activities. Export activities of goods are carried out by business actors who have been registered and designated as exporters, unless otherwise determined by the minister. Exporters have full responsibility for exported products or goods.

There are two types of exporters, namely producer exporters and not producers. The producer exporter is an exporter who also produces the goods sent. Meanwhile, exporters who are not producers are exporters who send goods belonging to people or other companies.

In the Republic of Indonesia Law, it has been regulated that export and import activities must have a permit, it could be in the form of registration, approval, recognition, and determination. The granting of permits can be delegated from the minister to the Regional Government.

The terms and conditions for producers and not producers are different. The following are the conditions for being an exporter.

In addition to the requirements, there are also a number of provisions that must be met to become exporters. The following are the provisions.

1. Legal entity, in the form of:

- CV

- PT

- Firm

- Persero

- Perum

- Spatials

- Cooperatives Have NPWP

2. Have one of the permits issued by the government, such as:

- Trade Business Permit (SIUP) from the Trade Office

- Industrial License from the Industry Office

- Domestic Investment Business Permit (PMDN) or Foreign Investment (PMA) issued by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

As a prospective exporter, you also need to know that there are items that are prohibited from being exported. This policy is carried out in order to maintain national security, the public interest, protect intellectual property rights, and protect the health and safety (humans, animals, and the environment).

The following is a policy of limiting export goods that you need to understand.

That's the information on terms and conditions to become exporters. The exporter application process is fairly easy as long as you meet the requirements and conditions imposed by the government. Don't forget to comply with the export limit policies that have been set so that your business can run optimally.

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