
The West Sumatra representative of Bank Indonesia (BI) noted that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the province experienced an inflation of 7.43 percent in 2022, soaring compared to 2021 which was only 1.4 percent.

"The realization of West Sumatra's 2022 annual inflation is recorded as the highest inflation realization among other provinces in the Sumatra region and nationally from 34 provinces in Indonesia," said Deputy Director of BI West Sumatra representative Gunawan Wicaksono, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

According to him, in December 2022 West Sumatra also experienced monthly inflation of 0.94 percent or an increase compared to November 2022 which experienced deflation of 0.27 percent.

West Sumatra's inflation in December 2022 came from rising air transportation commodity prices, broiler meat, broiler eggs, gold jewelry, and red chilies. Air transportation was recorded to experience inflation following increased demand at Christmas and New Year's moments.

Meanwhile, broiler and broiler eggs, red chilies, he said, experienced inflation due to increased demand during the Christmas and New Year periods.

The increase in the price of meat and broiler eggs was also driven by increased production costs at the farmer level due to the increase in feed costs and Day Old Chicken (DOC).

Meanwhile, the gold jewelery commodity was recorded to have experienced an increase in price in line with the fluctuations in global gold prices.

Meanwhile, rice, which was previously one of the highest contributors to inflation in West Sumatra, experienced low inflation in December 2022 with a value of 0.02 percent.

"The realization of lower rice inflation is mainly supported by the entry of the main harvest period for rice commodities in production centers in West Sumatra. Especially Solok Regency and Tanah Datar Regency," he said.

In addition, the implementation of rice market operations and subsidized cheap markets organized by the West Sumatra Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) encouraged low inflation in these commodities during December 2022.

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